The building parallel to the church was the refectory where the monks took their meals. The first and only substantial meal of the day was eaten after Mass in the late morning. With only thirteen, or less monks they would presumably have eaten at a single, long table with the prior or senior monk at the head. No talking was permitted at meals, instead the monks listened to a spiritual reading.
Before entering the refectory, the brothers washed their hands and faces at the lavatorium, sometimes called the fountain. This was a basin supplied with running water from several taps. It almost certainly stood in the south-west angle of the cloister courtyard close to the refectory entrance. It was demolished along with the cloister galleries when the monastery became a farm.
Between the refectory and the kitchen was a pantry where meals were prepared and dishes were passed through a serving hatchway (passe-plats) in the centre of the refectory wall.

The grandmontine priory of Rauzet or Rozet
The refectory
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The phone number is that of the mairie: 00 33 545 23 04 08 e-mail:
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